New Way to fly - 5 hour flight
150 Km flight range
Build in customized, high performance motor.
Flight Range
1 Km
Flight time
1 Hr
1 Kg
Degree object detection

Detachable Arms

EM120  has been equipped with detachable arm mechanism, which makes it so easy to transport and assemble. In 10 minutes one EM120 can be ready for take off. Arms are equipped with auto lock.

Detachable drone arm

The comparison chart shows that the cost of the EM120 drone is negligible compared to that of the R22 helicopter over a period of four years. The chart indicates that in terms of purchasing, pilot salary, maintenance of vehicle, and fuel cost, the EM120 drone is more cost-effective than the R22 helicopter.

EM120 Drone 2

Flight time Chart

The EM120 drone is a gas-powered drone that uses both gas and electricity to power its electric motors. The chart shows that the EM120 drone has a flight time that is 10 times higher than that of a battery-powered drone. The EM120 drone uses the latest technology to fly for up to 5 hours. It can be used as a delivery drone, inspection drone, or search and rescue drone.

EM120 Drone 3

The EM120 drone has unique features and capabilities for all purposes. It is fully customizable for different uses. Its hybrid system can produce 2500 watts at peak rate. If you need a higher power rate, please contact us to find out more about it.

To learn more about our services, please visit our website.

drone delivery